The Board of Directors establishes the services ACTIONS provides and their priority. The services provided as described below are for Seniors 60 and older who reside in Brazoria County.
1. Nutrition Services
The nutrition program offers congregate meals (group setting) and home delivered meals (homebound). The program operates through meals that are purchased from an outside vendor that delivers the meals to the ACTIONS senior centers and ACTIONS staff delivers meals to the homes of the homebound seniors.

2. Support Services
The social/support program operates in each senior center, providing arts and crafts, special events education, and health screening.
3. Volunteer Program
Volunteers are a vital part of ACTIONS. They are involved in every aspect of our program. Our motto says “Volunteers — Making ACTIONS Happen!” Due to their caring and dedication, ACTIONS has grown to be a program of greater quality and significance.Those interested are encouraged to become “ACTIONS Volunteers”. Come and join the fun!!!.

4. Telephone Reassurance
A program designed to help home-bound persons with regular telephone contact and communication to ensure their health and safety.
5. Information and Referral
This program provides information and referral to older persons to acquaint them with the agency to contact to meet their needs.

6. Medical Transportation
This service available within Brazoria County for doctor’s appointments and picking up medicine. We also offer essential shopping through this service such as grocery shopping, bank, post office, beauty shop or social security, etc.